FASA has built its reputation as a company that provides quality competitive services with high customer satisfaction. We develop strategic partnerships with both large and small companies in order to support our clients to the best of our ability. We have grown 300% in the past year by providing cost-effective and innovative technical solutions with superior customer service. Below you can view all of our current contract vehicles.
GSA Alliant Small Business: GS-06F-0627Z

The Alliant Small Business GWAC is a Multiple Award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity contract to provide Federal government agencies with integrated Information Technology (IT) solutions for evolving needs on a global basis. The base contract scope includes a broad range of Infrastructure, Application, and IT Management Services to support Federal government agency customers. The scope of Alliant SB encompasses all components of an integrated IT solutions including infrastructure and related services, applications and related services, and IT management services to include new technologies that may emerge during the life cycle of the contract. This GWAC provides IT solutions through the performance of a broad range of services provided by small businesses, including the integration of various technologies critical to the services being acquired.
Alliant Small Business GWAC Features
- Pre-competed, multiple award contracts
- Aligned with Federal Enterprise Architecture
- Five-year base with one, five-year option
- Full gamut of contract types: fixed price, cost reimbursement, labor hour, and time and material terms
- Ordering procedures based on Fair Opportunity (FAR 16.505)
- Program ceiling - $15 billion
- Enables federal clients to earn Small Business credit
- Pre-competed, easy-to-use contracts
- Short procurement lead time
- Training and support from Alliant Small Business GWAC acquisition team
- Avoids bundling concerns
- Limited protestability in accordance with NDAA 2008
- Low user fee (0.0075)
Task Orders Recieved
For information regarding FASA’s Task Orders Received, please contact us at info@fasa-jv.com